Terem – Ivaylo
Market leader in repairing, recovery and upgrade of armament
Innovative thinking. Modern solutions. Quality with traditions!
65 years with care of Bulgarian army functioning 65 years with care of our clients 65 years undisputed qualilty
TEREM-Ivaylo is an enterprise with long history and traditions in manufactoring. The management and all staff focus their attention and work on producing goods that can fully satisfy the growing customer needs. The products are divided into two main areas - military and civil products. Any product that leaves the factory is subject to strict control and inspection, which guarantees the impeccable quality.
The availability of high technology and experienced staff give an opportunity to offer a variety of services. Most of them are closely related to the main activity of producing, repairing and modernizing armaments, but some services also find good application outside these areas. TEREM-Ivaylo has long-standing traditions in galvanic services, manufactoring machinery details and production of tools and parts.
Armament and equipment
TEREM-Ivaylo has been working as a military-repair factory since 1953. The long history, the rich experience and the implementation of quality policy are a guarantee that every customer will receive the best service. The factory has good facilities for maintaining the high quality of the production. The enterprise is specialized in the following fields: repairing, upgrading, transformation and utilization of armament and equipment.
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