Small Arms Repair
The following kinds of armament are surveyed for defects, repaired and tested at a fire-ground owned by the factory:
Pistols (7.62-mm TT pistols; 9-mm Makarov pistols);
Rifles (7.62-mm rifle, model 38/44; 7.62-mm self-chargeable SKS rifle);
Assault rifles (5.45-mm “Kalashnikov” assault rifle; AK-74 and AKM-74 and modifications; 7.62-mm Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, AKM-47, AKS and modifications);
Machine guns (5.45-mm Kalashnikov RPK-74 and RPKS-74 machine guns; 7.62 mm Kalashnikov PK, PKS, PKB, PKN, PKT, PKM machine guns; 7.62-mm Gorjumov SGMT, SGMB SG-43 machine guns; 7.62-mm RPD-44 machine guns; 7.62-mm Degterjov DP and DT machine guns; 12.7-mm DShK and DShKM machine guns; 12.7-mm NSV NSVT machine gun; 14.5-mm Vladimirov KPT and KPVT machine gun);
Anti-aircraft machine guns (14.5 mm ZKU-2 anti-aircraft machine-gun system; 14.5-mm ZKU-4 anti-aircraft machine-gun system; anti-aircraft ZU-2 3-2 machine-gun system);